Performance Driven WiFi Networks
We at MSB Consulting Engineers Consulting Engineers work closely with professional sports and entertainment stadiums and arenas, luxury resorts, gaming facilities, public and private universities, […]
We at MSB Consulting Engineers Consulting Engineers work closely with professional sports and entertainment stadiums and arenas, luxury resorts, gaming facilities, public and private universities, […]
MSB Consulting Engineers has been a proud TribalHub partner, working with them to expand their telecommunications in their casinos and in their communities. We were […]
The quality of your Wi-Fi has become so important that it’s now a major factor in how your guests judge the quality of their visit. If the Wi-Fi at your property is slow, unstable, or has spotty coverage, then look out — you can expect to hear it from your guests in the form of complaints during their stay, bad reviews, and even worse, no return visits.
While connection speed is certainly important, delivering quality internet access in large public venues like stadiums and arenas often requires WiFi that is able to handle many concurrent users.
When tech-savvy fans entered the new Chase Center in San Francisco, they were amazed at what they saw: a sparkling, modern arena to enjoy NBA games with their home team, and to take in a range of world-class sports and entertainment events.